[ISOC-CH Ann] ISOC-CH General Assembly 2024 - 15.May

Panayotis Antoniadis panayotis at isoc.ch
Mon Apr 8 11:09:38 CEST 2024

Dear ISOC-CH members,*

The ISOC-CH General Assembly will take place on *Wednesday, May 15* as a
hybrid (online and in person) event.

The location is Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne (SIPBB),
Aarbergstrasse 46, Biel. Online participation is also allowed, but voting
can take place only through a "proxy" voter present in the room.

In the afternoon before the GA, there will be a public ISOC-CH event on
current public policy issues (Digitalisation of the Swiss Justice and
Disinformation and censorship in Social Media) in the same venue between
13:00-18:00. Details will be communicated later this month.

Please register* before May 8 *by sending an email to info at isoc.ch or
filling the online form in the official announcement page, including the


Notice an important item in the agenda, the announcement of ISOC-CH's
participation in a new EU project called NGI0 Commons:

We will update you about the first kick-off meeting in Brussels and the
opportunities that this project offers to transform ISOC-CH to a key actor
in promoting free, libre and open source software at an international level.

You can also propose additional items for the agenda, *before April 25*.

The final agenda and online access information will be announced on May 1st.

Best regards,

The ISOC-CH Board.

* The ISOC-CH announcements list contains 100 email addresses that are not
listed in the official ISOC membership list. Please check your ISOC
membership and/or let us know if you want to be removed from this email
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